Saturday, July 12, 2008

Parent Coach??

When I tell people that along with my parenting bookstore, I am also a parent coach, they respond with "What is a Parent Coach?"

Parent Coaching is a professional relationship that enhances your ability to learn, make changes, and achieve desired goals as a parent or child. A parent coach helps you get clear about what you want to accomplish, set specific goals, make an effective action plan, stay focused, and eliminate obstacles.
Coaching is not teaching, although it is educational.
Coaching reinforces learned concepts and skills until they become second nature. Your coach provides skills training in the 'need-to-know' moment that formal teaching missed. With your coach you will discover how much you already know. You learn more by discovering answers than by hearing them.

Coaching is not therapy, but it is therapeutic.
The focus of coaching is on taking a hard look at what is working for you and your family and what is not working. Then you'll identify specific plans, action steps, and ways of thinking that will move you toward achieving your desired goals.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Now's the time to work on or establish some traditions in your home. Kids love to look forward to a specific event or happening. My parents just passed away and my daughter was discussing how she was going to miss stopping by their house to throw poppers with her grandparents. We had started that ritual to include them in the 4th without interrupting their routine. All looked forward to it each year and poppers are so harmless. Just throw them on the ground. It even brought a smile to my grumpy old dad.

Have a Safe and Happy 4th